The other day I got the call, “We are going on vacation. Take as much as you want.”
It sounded like it had been a fruitful year. A friend and I eagerly went to pick. But the berries were small and sparse – probably picked over. After an hour, we’d had enough. Berry accumulation wouldn’t even make a pie. Packing up, my eye caught the reflection of something in the setting sun, glimmering in the middle of the bushes. I put on my long sleeves so as not to get scratches, and grabbed a rake, crawling toward the middle of the trees. Then pulling some branches away with the rake, I was able to stand on my tiptoes. Wow! I found treasure - big, juicy, purple berries!
The berries in the center were hard to reach but… were they worth it! In a matter of minutes, our produce doubled. Though these berries were hard to get, taking some strategic maneuvering and additional tools, they were just waiting for someone to make the extra effort to pick them. The harvest was plentiful!

Then I thought about the kids that need Jesus - scads of them! In my own little corner of the world, there are bunches of kids and families, just waiting. But it may take some different strategies, maneuvering, and additional tools.
Sometimes I find myself in awkward or uncomfortable situations trying to reach them. Family dynamics can feel a little “scratchy”. I’ve been discussing things that 5 years ago, I never dreamed I would be talking to kids about. But in the end, it has been worth it!
So how about putting the two together? Whether your church is old growth or brand new, my guess is, if God still has your church alive, He still has some great work for you to do! But maybe you need to get on your tiptoes, or your knees and ask God to help you see what only He can see!
Jesus saw something in Samaria that no one else saw. He challenged us to do the same. “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” (John 4:35)
Until Every Boy and Girl Knows Jesus!
-Annie Crain
*Names of Children always changed