She was hard. Single-mom Elizabeth had several children close in age, all with a different last name and a different skin color. Don’t get me wrong! I LOVE every hue that God created. But I ache for kids to have stable families!
Elizabeth had caused a lot of problems at our homework club (HW), sometimes coming in and screaming at her own children in front of everyone else. Sometimes the verbal bombshell would land on another child that she felt acted unjustly toward her child. Other times, when she wanted special treatment, she was angelic. Even the apartment managers shared how many times the police had been called to their facility because of this family. (In case you are wondering, we couldn’t keep her out because we were meeting at the apartment’s public cabana. Anyone had a right to be in this area.)
She was hard to love.
Our club leaders chose to pray for her and ask God for opportunities to show real love. Sometimes this meant setting boundaries, but I never dreamt the other way God would ask me to respond.
Christmas was coming so I had asked God what kind of gift He would like for Christmas. My answer came soon.
I was at a city-reaching conference, thinking of this family, when the speaker started sharing his evangelism style: going into businesses and cleaning their toilets. When they would ask why he did that, he would share, “I think if Jesus were walking on earth today, that’s the kind of stuff he would do.”
It hit me hard, “Go clean her toilet!”
“Really Lord? How’s that going to happen?”
A deep feeling came over me that for God’s Christmas gift, He would like a clean toilet.
The next time homework club met, one of her children needed to be walked home. It was the perfect opportunity to talk to her mom.
“Elizabeth? I have a Christmas gift for you.”
“OK.” She held out her hand.
“Umm, it’s kind of a weird gift.”
“Ok?” She kept her hand out but pulled back a bit, unsure of what was coming her way.
“I would like to come and clean your toilet sometime.”
“Ok? That is kind of weird. I guess it’s Ok.”
“Would Friday work?”
I heard celebration in the background! Evidently it was the chore that week for the daughter I had walked home.
When Friday came, I went and cleaned. Mom had a headache and slept on the couch, but the kids were home from school and the daughter whose job I had taken, kept me company.
“Why are you doing this?” She asked as I spent an hour making a filthy bathroom gleam.
“I think if Jesus were walking on earth today, that’s the kind of stuff he would do.” I recited.
“Oh.” In the following silence, I could almost hear the gears moving in her brain.
I never really knew if it was a gift for Elizabeth or her daughter. I didn’t really even know if it mattered to Elizabeth, though things seemed more peaceful after. She didn’t seem as bristled and defensive about things. One day when she was mad, she refused to yell. She just put her headphones on, turned her iPod up and walked out. At first I was upset that we didn’t talk through the issue but then I realized, this was progress! She was treating us differently.
Finally Elizabeth’s family was evicted. The police had been called one-too-many times. The apartment managers had enough. As Elizabeth called my co-leader in tears and desperation she opened up, “I always knew you guys were different. Ever since you cleaned my toilet.”
She shared much of her life story and my friend was able to point her to Jesus. God, the One who cleaned far more than her toilet, would be there to give her a fresh start in her new place if she wanted.
Have you asked God what He wants for Christmas? You might be surprised!
Have a Merry Christmas and see you next year!
Until Every Boy and Girl Knows Jesus,
*Names of kids always changed- big and little
Friday, December 19, 2014
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Superhero? Dads can do that for you!
Good fathers are the BEST! The dad who made these home-videos is a professional animator. You will enjoy seeing how he turned his son into a superhero!
It also makes me think of our Heavenly Father. If an ordinary dad can do this for his kid, what do you think the God of the Universe is waiting to do in your life as you strive to reach kids for Jesus? Just ask Dad!
It also makes me think of our Heavenly Father. If an ordinary dad can do this for his kid, what do you think the God of the Universe is waiting to do in your life as you strive to reach kids for Jesus? Just ask Dad!
Matthew 7:11 "If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!"
Until Every Girl & Boy Knows Jesus!
Annie Crain
Thursday, October 23, 2014
What is the 4 to 14 Window?
Over ninety nations gathered in New York last week to focus on the "4 /14 Window".
This short video provides an inspiring introduction to why children are such an important part of God's Great Commission plan! Until Every Girl and Boy Knows Jesus!
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Does it Really Matter?
Sometimes I wonder, does the stuff I am doing with my
neighborhood kids really matter? There
are so many hurdles. Is it really worth
it? I certainly don’t seem to be getting
financially wealthy investing in my neighborhood kids. There are plenty of other ways I could spend
my time and energy!
I am currently reading Take It Personally, Valuable Insights for People Who Care about Kids (click here to view). In it, the Search Institute lists 40 assets they have “identified as building blocks of healthy development that help young people grow up healthy, caring, and responsible” (page 3). The first grouping of assets is under the category of “Support” and includes the support of adults other than family and the support of a caring neighborhood. (Assets #3 and #4)
Coincidentally, at the same time as reading this book, I received the following email from a Jesus-loving friend:
I am currently reading Take It Personally, Valuable Insights for People Who Care about Kids (click here to view). In it, the Search Institute lists 40 assets they have “identified as building blocks of healthy development that help young people grow up healthy, caring, and responsible” (page 3). The first grouping of assets is under the category of “Support” and includes the support of adults other than family and the support of a caring neighborhood. (Assets #3 and #4)
Coincidentally, at the same time as reading this book, I received the following email from a Jesus-loving friend:
“Think back to your childhood. Did you have an adult who made a real
difference in your life? I know I had
several. One was my next door neighbor,
OMerril. She was always so sweet to
me. Much like a grandma, just next
I also had a pastor who “lived” up
the block from me who was essential for me, I think. He was a pastor of a small church somewhere—a
couple of hours away, I believe. On the
weekends he would go home. But during
the week he lived in a small trailer on the property where he was building a
church for God. He was always available
to the children in the neighborhood. And
at times he ran a Bible Club for us.
Now, as the world sees things, he was not successful at all. And, he may not have seemed successful to the
religious community either. After many
years of working on the church building, he finally had to sell the
property. By this time we’d moved away
so I don’t know the whole story. I just
know that he helped me with Bible memorization, listened to my problems, taught
me songs, and modeled Christ to me. I know
he tried that with the other kids in the neighborhood. I don’t know how successful he was, but I
know God does.
I’m convinced that kids need
steady, reliable adults in their lives that are NOT their parents. Someone to talk to when things go wrong. Someone to gently, lovingly show them what is
going on.
I have a couple of friends that
were available to (my daughters) when they were teens. They were good for both of us. We really struggled through some things, but
I’m so grateful because (my daughter) has become one of my best friends. I might have missed out on that if it weren’t
for Betty Lou and Tava.”
I want to know the rest of the story too, don’t you?
Though my friend grew up in a Jesus-loving home, she still
found the assets of other adults and a caring neighborhood, powerful in her own
life as well as in the lives of her children.
Like the neighborhood grandma OMerril or friends Betty Lou
and Tava, could the little things you do today be part of someone’s bigger
story down the road? Or like the
nameless pastor, could God be building the church through you in a way you
never dreamed?
Whose ASSET could you be today?
Until Every Girl and Boy Knows JeSuS!
*Names of children always changed
**CHECK OUT THE NEW "LEAP OF FAITH" Fun Video on the Side Bar.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Kids Even Need Jesus in The Midwest?
I live in the Pacific Northwest. A few years ago, Washington and Oregon ranked #49 and #50 in most unchurched states, so I expect that we are dealing with a culture of kids that need God. But a friend in the Midwest shared they need him there too. Gasp!
Amy had lots of kids in her neighborhood but since she is single with no children of her own, she had no idea how to connect with them. Hearing me talking about what God was doing through our homework club, she lit up! After lots of questions, she got a new vision.
In Amy’s words, “So the Lord has been answering my prayers. He brought two little kids into my building and now all the neighborhood kids hangout on my front porch. Over the last two weeks I have gotten to know them better and they are all excited about doing a homework club.
They are hilarious. The day after we talked about it, one of the little girls came back and asked me what kind of homework I was going to give them. Ha! Kids are funny.
I did explain that this was an opportunity for them to bring all their homework from school and I would help them if they need it. They are all interested in learning more about the Bible even though at present they think it is boring.”
At our homework club we have homework time followed by snacks, Bible time and sometimes, though not always, we have a game, craft, song or something special. We’ve enjoyed using Object Lesson books like these for some of our teaching times (click here to view).
I wonder, are there kids in your state that need to hear about Jesus too? Who will tell them?
We will check in more with Amy periodically, especially as she gets started. My guess is, some of her questions are also some of your questions.
Until Every Boy and Girl Knows Jesus!
*Names of children always changed
Amy had lots of kids in her neighborhood but since she is single with no children of her own, she had no idea how to connect with them. Hearing me talking about what God was doing through our homework club, she lit up! After lots of questions, she got a new vision.
In Amy’s words, “So the Lord has been answering my prayers. He brought two little kids into my building and now all the neighborhood kids hangout on my front porch. Over the last two weeks I have gotten to know them better and they are all excited about doing a homework club.
They are hilarious. The day after we talked about it, one of the little girls came back and asked me what kind of homework I was going to give them. Ha! Kids are funny.
I did explain that this was an opportunity for them to bring all their homework from school and I would help them if they need it. They are all interested in learning more about the Bible even though at present they think it is boring.”
At our homework club we have homework time followed by snacks, Bible time and sometimes, though not always, we have a game, craft, song or something special. We’ve enjoyed using Object Lesson books like these for some of our teaching times (click here to view).
I wonder, are there kids in your state that need to hear about Jesus too? Who will tell them?

Until Every Boy and Girl Knows Jesus!
*Names of children always changed
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Berry Picking
My neighbors have rows of blueberry bushes. Over 100 years old now, these bushes are more like trees. Some years, the crop is miserable. Gardening exerts have told my neighbors to pull these old bushes out and start over. Instead my neighbors make a few adjustments to the soil and it seems with their persistence and the right weather combination, the berries come back.
The other day I got the call, “We are going on vacation. Take as much as you want.”
It sounded like it had been a fruitful year. A friend and I eagerly went to pick. But the berries were small and sparse – probably picked over. After an hour, we’d had enough. Berry accumulation wouldn’t even make a pie. Packing up, my eye caught the reflection of something in the setting sun, glimmering in the middle of the bushes. I put on my long sleeves so as not to get scratches, and grabbed a rake, crawling toward the middle of the trees. Then pulling some branches away with the rake, I was able to stand on my tiptoes. Wow! I found treasure - big, juicy, purple berries!
The berries in the center were hard to reach but… were they worth it! In a matter of minutes, our produce doubled. Though these berries were hard to get, taking some strategic maneuvering and additional tools, they were just waiting for someone to make the extra effort to pick them. The harvest was plentiful!
This morning as I reflected on my neighbor’s blueberry bushes, my thoughts turned to some of the beautiful churches that I love, celebrating their 50th and 100th- year anniversaries. They’ve done a great job and sometimes it seems like their work is done.
Then I thought about the kids that need Jesus - scads of them! In my own little corner of the world, there are bunches of kids and families, just waiting. But it may take some different strategies, maneuvering, and additional tools.
Sometimes I find myself in awkward or uncomfortable situations trying to reach them. Family dynamics can feel a little “scratchy”. I’ve been discussing things that 5 years ago, I never dreamed I would be talking to kids about. But in the end, it has been worth it!
So how about putting the two together? Whether your church is old growth or brand new, my guess is, if God still has your church alive, He still has some great work for you to do! But maybe you need to get on your tiptoes, or your knees and ask God to help you see what only He can see!
Jesus saw something in Samaria that no one else saw. He challenged us to do the same. “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” (John 4:35)
Until Every Boy and Girl Knows Jesus!
-Annie Crain
*Names of Children always changed
The other day I got the call, “We are going on vacation. Take as much as you want.”
It sounded like it had been a fruitful year. A friend and I eagerly went to pick. But the berries were small and sparse – probably picked over. After an hour, we’d had enough. Berry accumulation wouldn’t even make a pie. Packing up, my eye caught the reflection of something in the setting sun, glimmering in the middle of the bushes. I put on my long sleeves so as not to get scratches, and grabbed a rake, crawling toward the middle of the trees. Then pulling some branches away with the rake, I was able to stand on my tiptoes. Wow! I found treasure - big, juicy, purple berries!
The berries in the center were hard to reach but… were they worth it! In a matter of minutes, our produce doubled. Though these berries were hard to get, taking some strategic maneuvering and additional tools, they were just waiting for someone to make the extra effort to pick them. The harvest was plentiful!

Then I thought about the kids that need Jesus - scads of them! In my own little corner of the world, there are bunches of kids and families, just waiting. But it may take some different strategies, maneuvering, and additional tools.
Sometimes I find myself in awkward or uncomfortable situations trying to reach them. Family dynamics can feel a little “scratchy”. I’ve been discussing things that 5 years ago, I never dreamed I would be talking to kids about. But in the end, it has been worth it!
So how about putting the two together? Whether your church is old growth or brand new, my guess is, if God still has your church alive, He still has some great work for you to do! But maybe you need to get on your tiptoes, or your knees and ask God to help you see what only He can see!
Jesus saw something in Samaria that no one else saw. He challenged us to do the same. “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” (John 4:35)
Until Every Boy and Girl Knows Jesus!
-Annie Crain
*Names of Children always changed
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
The Long Walk Across the Street
Recently the story of the Good Samaritan popped up in my devotions. What started off as a “not again” sigh out of my mouth became a new challenge. I was reminded the Priest and Levite had the same opportunity as the Samaritan. They just needed to “walk across the street”. Responding in prayer, I asked God to open my eyes to an opportunity to “walk across the street”.
In fast-paced errand-running mode, I barely noticed the girl sitting on the sidewalk staring at the ground a few blocks out from my home. Several years ago I would have thought she was sad. Now it is the position of kids with earbuds listening to their music. As I drove past, I remembered my morning prayer. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to just to check, though I had so much to do.
Turning around, I pulled into the cul-de-sac entrance near her. Not leaving my car, I rolled down the window.
“Are you OK?” I asked.
The girl stood, nodding, but her tear streaked eyes gave her away.
“Are you safe? I’m just a neighbor driving by.” I felt that I needed to stay in my car and just be there.
She took a step closer, nodding.
“Are you sure you are safe? Is there anything you need? Do you need to use my phone?”
Still ground staring, her head shook.
“I’m a Christian. Could I say a prayer for you?”
Nodding, for the first time her eyes lifted as I closed mine. Silently asking God to lead, I prayed aloud. As I finished she walked close and the story began to spill. She lived with her grandparents. They were upset and had just kicked her out of the house… She talked and talked. Mostly, I just listened.
I asked the previous questions again. I told her I would be praying for her and would be back that way in an hour. I would check and make sure she was alright.
It was a hot day, on my way back I wanted a Slurpee®. I got Leanna a small one too. But when I got back to the cul-de-sac, she wasn’t there. Should I check at her house? She had pointed down the street while talking about her grandparents.
Though nervous at what I might encounter, I decided there was no harm in asking if she was there. An older man answered.
“Is this where Leanna lives?”

My words met a blank stare.
“I believe Leanna lives in this cul-de-sac. She’s about 11 or 12. Does she live around here?”
He turned to his wife. “What’s the name of the girl that lives with those Russian people? Is it Leanna? Well, there is a girl around here. I think she lives at that house.”
I went next door, holding the now melting Slurpee®.
Within seconds the door opened. Leanna broke into a huge smile. Everything was OK now and yes, she would love a Slurpee®!
I can’t wait to see what happens next with my new friend!
Where do you need to take that long walk across the street? Maybe take a Slurpee® with you!
Until Every Girl and Boy Knows Him,
PS. Have you seen "Daddy's Version of the Bun" yet? Check out the link on my side bar under "Fun Videos"! I loved it!
*Names of children always changed.
In fast-paced errand-running mode, I barely noticed the girl sitting on the sidewalk staring at the ground a few blocks out from my home. Several years ago I would have thought she was sad. Now it is the position of kids with earbuds listening to their music. As I drove past, I remembered my morning prayer. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to just to check, though I had so much to do.
Turning around, I pulled into the cul-de-sac entrance near her. Not leaving my car, I rolled down the window.
“Are you OK?” I asked.
The girl stood, nodding, but her tear streaked eyes gave her away.
“Are you safe? I’m just a neighbor driving by.” I felt that I needed to stay in my car and just be there.
She took a step closer, nodding.
“Are you sure you are safe? Is there anything you need? Do you need to use my phone?”
Still ground staring, her head shook.
“I’m a Christian. Could I say a prayer for you?”
Nodding, for the first time her eyes lifted as I closed mine. Silently asking God to lead, I prayed aloud. As I finished she walked close and the story began to spill. She lived with her grandparents. They were upset and had just kicked her out of the house… She talked and talked. Mostly, I just listened.
I asked the previous questions again. I told her I would be praying for her and would be back that way in an hour. I would check and make sure she was alright.
It was a hot day, on my way back I wanted a Slurpee®. I got Leanna a small one too. But when I got back to the cul-de-sac, she wasn’t there. Should I check at her house? She had pointed down the street while talking about her grandparents.
Though nervous at what I might encounter, I decided there was no harm in asking if she was there. An older man answered.
“Is this where Leanna lives?”

My words met a blank stare.
“I believe Leanna lives in this cul-de-sac. She’s about 11 or 12. Does she live around here?”
He turned to his wife. “What’s the name of the girl that lives with those Russian people? Is it Leanna? Well, there is a girl around here. I think she lives at that house.”
I went next door, holding the now melting Slurpee®.
Within seconds the door opened. Leanna broke into a huge smile. Everything was OK now and yes, she would love a Slurpee®!
I can’t wait to see what happens next with my new friend!
Where do you need to take that long walk across the street? Maybe take a Slurpee® with you!
Until Every Girl and Boy Knows Him,
PS. Have you seen "Daddy's Version of the Bun" yet? Check out the link on my side bar under "Fun Videos"! I loved it!
*Names of children always changed.
Friday, September 5, 2014
Seven Days, Seven Ways
Happy back to school! As I gear up for the school year and the joy of homework club (HW) several have asked how we picked the location for our HW. For me the answer is a short one - Car Problems!
Many years ago, my newly married husband found a job across state. Looking for a place to live, the only local we knew suggested a road teeming with new apartments. Just one block from the directed area, our car broke down. It wouldn’t budge. With time running short we signed the lease for the first apartment we laid our eyes on - just as the tow truck arrived.
We haven’t moved far but we have changed a lot since the day the car broke down. Back then we were lovingly referred to as “D.I.N.K.s” (Double Income No Kids). We didn’t really know Jesus yet either. Our neighborhood has changed a lot too. There are no “new” apartments anymore. Businesses frequently move to more progressive neighborhoods and residents are perpetually moving in and out. A local school official called out our transient school population, 25% move in and 25% move out every year.
About three years ago, after a strong sense of “loving my neighbor” and “focus on the unreached community kids”, I went to a Christian workshop. Someone challenged, “If you live in one community and send your kids to school in a different community that is probably a good indication of where you need to be ministering.” Gulp that was my family and my neighborhood!
Even after we started club, I stubbornly tried hard NOT TO like these kids. But on the third day little Helen came up with big dark saucer eyes and shed crocodile tears because I was leaving. After that, they had me!
However, I really wish I would have had this cool tool to help discern God’s plan! “Seven Days, Seven Ways”
How about asking God for a friend to join you with “Seven Days, Seven Ways”? My guess is, as you work through the prayer and activities, you will run smack dab into God’s Will! And it will be a lot more fun than having your car break down!
Until Every Boy and Girl Knows Jesus,
*Names of children always changed.
Many years ago, my newly married husband found a job across state. Looking for a place to live, the only local we knew suggested a road teeming with new apartments. Just one block from the directed area, our car broke down. It wouldn’t budge. With time running short we signed the lease for the first apartment we laid our eyes on - just as the tow truck arrived.
We haven’t moved far but we have changed a lot since the day the car broke down. Back then we were lovingly referred to as “D.I.N.K.s” (Double Income No Kids). We didn’t really know Jesus yet either. Our neighborhood has changed a lot too. There are no “new” apartments anymore. Businesses frequently move to more progressive neighborhoods and residents are perpetually moving in and out. A local school official called out our transient school population, 25% move in and 25% move out every year.
About three years ago, after a strong sense of “loving my neighbor” and “focus on the unreached community kids”, I went to a Christian workshop. Someone challenged, “If you live in one community and send your kids to school in a different community that is probably a good indication of where you need to be ministering.” Gulp that was my family and my neighborhood!
Even after we started club, I stubbornly tried hard NOT TO like these kids. But on the third day little Helen came up with big dark saucer eyes and shed crocodile tears because I was leaving. After that, they had me!
However, I really wish I would have had this cool tool to help discern God’s plan! “Seven Days, Seven Ways”
How about asking God for a friend to join you with “Seven Days, Seven Ways”? My guess is, as you work through the prayer and activities, you will run smack dab into God’s Will! And it will be a lot more fun than having your car break down!
Until Every Boy and Girl Knows Jesus,
*Names of children always changed.
Friday, July 25, 2014
The Day the Sun Came Out
Sometimes in rainy Seattle, the sun comes
out. On a really clear day, we get a
real treat. Standing at over 14,000
feet, God’s handiwork, Mount Rainier towers above all the rest. It is
Towards the end of the school year, we took a
day off from homework club (HW) because of NICE WEATHER! We know not many kids will come to club. Most
will be at the playground.
The week after we
cancelled, kids bombarded us with questions, “Why didn’t we have club?”
It seemed
obvious to us but middle-schooler Kyle had come prepared. He had thought this
out. "I don't think you guys
understand just how much homework club means to us… Everyone talks about how
much we need homework club and how this community wouldn’t be the same without
it...I don't exactly know what makes this place so special, but it's the one
place that we can all come to be safe and accepted. We all just feel happy here. We leave feeling full of hope that the week
will be better now that we've all been together… but 2 weeks feels impossible
to get through when we are not having time with each other…This whole community
is different when you guys are here.
Even other kids at school talk about this club."
Gulp. Sometimes in ministry you wonder if you are
making a difference. And once in a
while, God takes away the clouds and lets you see a glimpse of His handwork
through you. Like Mount Rainier, we
don’t always see it. But when He reveals
it, it is spectacular!
*Names of children always changed
Monday, July 21, 2014
Camp Fears
“I want to go really, really bad! But I’m scared!” fourth-grader Tayla lamented.
“No, I just can’t go! I’ve never spent
the night anywhere! Not even at my
dad’s.” She vacillated, “I’m too scared
but I really want to!”
I had invited several of our unchurched
elementary homework club kids to an overnight church camp. Tayla and I prayed
God would help her be brave.
The next week Tayla’s friend Patty came
running, “Miss Annie, Miss Annie! You’ll never believe what happened! Tayla said something I never thought I would
EVER hear out of her mouth!”
Not knowing what would be coming next, I
motioned the girls over to a quiet spot so the other kids wouldn’t hear.
Patty continued, “She said, ’Can I spend
the night at your house?’”
Tayla beamed and nodded, “I did it Miss
Annie! I’m going to camp!”
What a great idea! Spend the night somewhere close first. It seems like a no-brainer but I didn’t think
of telling her to do that. I love seeing
God answer kids’ prayers!
Tayla had the time of her life at that
2-night camp this winter, learning so much about Jesus, and next week, she is going
to a week Christian summer camp.
I can’t wait to find out what God does
next in Tayla’s life.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Let the Children Come
“Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them!
For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”
Matthew 19:14 (NLT)
Thursday, June 19, 2014
disturbed by some of the promiscuous comments made by the middle school boys
(see previous blog), I had a fleeting
thought they really needed a Jesus-loving, strong man to mentor them, someone
who cared about the treatment of girls. But really, I had nothing.
No vision. No help. Nothing, except a verse I was drawn to: Hebrews
10:35-36, "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly
rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the Will of God you
will receive what He has promised."
I was discouraged. It was then that I received an invitation from my friends, Jeff and Shellee, to go clamming. Ah, yes! Time away to think, pray, and go on a new adventure!
I was discouraged. It was then that I received an invitation from my friends, Jeff and Shellee, to go clamming. Ah, yes! Time away to think, pray, and go on a new adventure!
Since I have a family of guys, I assumed they
would be all over this clamming thing! After all, it must be a cross
between hunting and fishing. You get to use a “gun!” (OK, so a clam gun
is just a tube with a small hole on the side, but it is a weapon, right?)
Besides, my friends promised great things, “The tides are perfect. We
will probably get our limit in about 20 minutes!”
“Okay you guys, look for a divot; that’s where you
dig,” my friends instructed. The rain pounded. Every drop looked like a
divot. Even with lanterns, we couldn’t see a thing. After a couple
hours, heads hanging, we were only interested in hunting a hot shower. My
friend consoled, “We’ve never been skunked before. EVER! I’ve never
seen anything like it.”
The next day, my family was eager to leave. But
Jeff, a father of 4 girls, was really enjoying his guy time and started
practicing some martial arts moves on my son. Jeff was in his element
sharing his skills! He talked non-stop about martial arts, showing his assorted
real weapons that don’t look anything like a clam gun. “You can’t leave yet;
you need to stay for today’s low tide. We’ll get out there in
daylight. It will be different,” he coaxed. My family relented.
This time we planned for the long grind, going out
way before low tide. With a rainbow overhead, we limited out in about 20
minutes. Full tooth grins accompanied the hunting party home.
Beaming, our encouraging leader Jeff shared, “You know,
I’m at this stage of life where I just really enjoy showing kids this
stuff. I just want to mentor some boys and pass on what I know.”
What? Mentor? Boys? Martial Arts?
Jesus? Could it all fit together?
At this writing, we are in the middle of our trial
Martial Arts program with my apartment kids. More on that later.
So, where do you feel skunked? Do you lack a
vision? Help? Everything?
do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to
persevere so that when you have done the Will of God you will receive what He
has promised."
of children always changed.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
We Didn’t Plan This!
After two years of homework club for elementary school-aged kids at a
local apartment complex something unplanned happened. Shocking I know, but these cute kids started
turning into middle schoolers!
Yikes! Middle school is not my
thing, but we had grown a heart for these kids.
We couldn't just leave them. What now, Lord?
Adding these kids crowded the already full apartment cabana. And they did not disappoint my expectations,
playing the part of “middle schooler” well.
Goofy, disrespectful, conceited, concerned with impressing their
friends, inappropriate sense of humor; embarrassingly, I recognized myself at
this age. Yuk! I really had to depend on God’s love to show
through. There was nothing in me that
could do this in my own power.
And they weren’t great role models for our elementary kids. I thought maybe if we made them leaders, they
might step up and act like leaders. We
formed a group. I thought it would help
if they had an identity. ‘How about
giving our group a name, like “Community Heroes"?’
They came up with the name, “Churro Guardians”.
“Miss Annie, do you know Churro is not a nice word?” One of the
elementary kids whispered to me, “It means Gangster! I don’t think you should
let them use it.”
I was
particularly disturbed the day one of the most popular boys, Indi, asked a high
school leader if he had slept with his girlfriend yet.
Since I’ve
had this conversation with leader Raoul previously, I was not surprised when he
said, “No!” His heart is set on following God and waiting until he gets
Maybe I
should have asked first but my instinct told me this middle school boy probably
didn’t know one person that thought about waiting for sex until marriage and I needed to take advantage of the
opportunity. At the risk of
embarrassment I asked, “Hey Raoul, do you EVER plan on sleeping with a girl
before you get married?”
Raoul fired.
Indi didn’t
miss a beat, “Well I’m going to!”
I didn’t
plan this! OK Savior of the World… HELP!
names always changed.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
In My Garden
Spring. A great time to plant a garden.
This spring
we decided to have a couple of activity days for our kids to learn to help
others in the community. One day kids came
to my house to plant a garden. Really, I
just have a couple of garden boxes. But
most of these kids have never had a chance to dig in the dirt or picked up a
tool like a shovel or hoe. Noticing that
“work” was introduced in God’s perfect garden before sin, I have been impressed
over that last few years at what a gift “work” is. And I love it when kids get to see the fruit of their labor.
What better place to see “fruit” than in a garden?
We were a
little disappointed with the turnout for our workday; that is until we noticed
Tello was there. Tello, one of the
hardest kids in Homework Club (HW), is in middle school. And if that isn’t hard enough, his dad is in
a gang. I’ve heard reports that Tello
joined the gang too, and has been involved in illegal
behavior and beating kids up. His
attitude has definitely been hard. Our
HW kids have been concerned! We have
encouraged them to pray for him.
Working next
to Tello on our garden project, 4th grader Ferdinando mentioned that
the dad he lives with now isn’t his “real dad” and the ensuing conversation
went something like this:
Tello asked,
“Oh, when did your real dad leave you?”
“He didn’t
leave me,” Ferdinando shared. “He was murdered, when I was like 1 year old. He’s in
“Oh yeah? Or burning in hell!” Tello quipped.
whole face lit up, “No he’s not in hell.
I know he’s in heaven! He loved
Jesus! I’m going to see him again
“Yeah? But he
was murdered. He probably did [AC1] a bunch of bad stuff, or he wouldn’t
have gotten killed!” Tello knew.
“It doesn’t
matter if he did a bunch of bad stuff.
He loved Jesus. And Jesus died to
forgive him for everything he ever did.
I know I’m going to see him again!” Ferdinando shared his simple faith.
Tello looked
up at a nearby leader, confusion written all over his face.
“It’s true!”
Sharing a couple of Bible verses, the leader confirmed what Tello had just
Tello tilted his head at Ferdinando, smiling with a look of
acceptance on his face.
had planted a seed; his simple assurance that Heaven and what Jesus did just
isn’t that complicated.
Have you
planted your garden yet?
*Names of children always changed.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Those are Fighting Words
Two boys were at each other at homework club. *N’Jee and *Kaden looked like they were ready
to rip each other apart. I quickly
jumped between them. N’Jee, obviously
fuming, looked up at me. “Miss Annie,
you know what he just said about me?”
“No N’Jee.
“He just said I didn’t have Jesus in me!”
Now those are words worth fighting about!
“He just said I didn’t have Jesus in me!”
Now those are words worth fighting about!
*Names of children always changed
Friday, April 18, 2014
Getting Along
At our homework club, we try to build future leaders by
building the kids’ relationships in 4 ways: with their environment, their
community, themselves and with God.
She nodded, just as *Nirel, the new boy, swaggered past. He looked tough. This really could go either way.
Darla’s whole countenance changed. They shook hands. As Nirel left, Darla hugged me, “Thank you! I feel so much better!”
Later, we had Bible time. In preparation for Easter, my fellow leader, Linda, shared God’s most amazing plan and how Jesus did the unthinkable to forgive us, making it possible for us to someday be in Heaven. “And in Heaven, you know one of the very best things? We will all get along! Always!” Linda shared.
The kids who wanted Jesus, had an opportunity to pray aloud. Nirel and Darla were frontrunners!
We have a short Bible time at each homework club and usually
spend a lot of time focusing on “getting along” and being “peacemakers” instead
of “peacekeepers”. It is a continual
need! There is not a lot of great modelling in many homes and apartment living
at its best is hard due to the proximity of everyone.
This week during club, *Darla borrowed my phone. Talking to her sister, Darla was visibly
upset and I caught enough bits of her conversation to be praying.
Afterwards, trembling Darla opened up. Walking home from school, her friend had made
derogatory gestures at 2 boys. One of
those boys, she had never met, was at homework club for the first time ever. She burst into tears, “I’m so afraid. What if
I get a referral?”
Knowing this could be a big can of worms, I hesitantly
asked, “Would you like to try to talk it out with him?” She nodded, just as *Nirel, the new boy, swaggered past. He looked tough. This really could go either way.
“Nirel, could we all talk together for a couple of minutes?”
I asked.
As Nirel, joined us, 4th grade Darla, in great
humility, shared her fears, sadness at what had happened and asked this new boy
to forgive her. Nirel listened intently.
As she apologized, Nirel smiled warmly, “You didn’t mean it. I’m OK and I forgive you.” Darla’s whole countenance changed. They shook hands. As Nirel left, Darla hugged me, “Thank you! I feel so much better!”
Later, we had Bible time. In preparation for Easter, my fellow leader, Linda, shared God’s most amazing plan and how Jesus did the unthinkable to forgive us, making it possible for us to someday be in Heaven. “And in Heaven, you know one of the very best things? We will all get along! Always!” Linda shared.
The kids who wanted Jesus, had an opportunity to pray aloud. Nirel and Darla were frontrunners!
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called
children of God.”
Happy Easter!
*Names of children always changed.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
neighbors and I meet with elementary kids one afternoon a week for a homework club. We
meet on their territory, where they live, at a local apartment complex.
One time, after pouring myself into Felicia* week after week, seemingly with no results, she pulled out her homework.
“Can I do my homework instead?”
“If you sit at the back table.”
Afterwards, Felicia came up to me beaming, “Miss Annie, I finished all my homework!”
“Really? Before spring break even starts?”
“Yes. It’s the first time ever!”
It’s not glitzy. It can get crowded. It certainly gets
Sometimes the
kids need help to do their homework.
Sometimes they need help to stay on track. Sometimes they just need someone to be a
friend. Sometimes they listen.
Sometimes I
don’t know how to do the homework problem or I learned it a different way. Sometimes I ask another kid how to do it or
to teach the kid that is having a problem.
Sometimes I pull out my smart phone.
We learn together.
Sometimes the
kids want to learn. Sometimes it feels
like I am dragging them through quicksand just to get their papers out. Sometimes I see success. Sometimes I have to ask God to show me one
good reason I should stay. One time, after pouring myself into Felicia* week after week, seemingly with no results, she pulled out her homework.
what my teacher wrote in the back of my book. ‘You are improving so much! Is someone helping you?’”
the kids in my class think that I am cheating.”
am not failing anymore.”
did you tell them?”
I am getting some help.”
do you feel?”
That was two years ago.
Last week we had a movie day because it was the day before spring break and we thought any attempt at doing homework would be futile. Felicia walked in.
Last week we had a movie day because it was the day before spring break and we thought any attempt at doing homework would be futile. Felicia walked in.
“Can I do my homework instead?”
“If you sit at the back table.”
Afterwards, Felicia came up to me beaming, “Miss Annie, I finished all my homework!”
“Really? Before spring break even starts?”
“Yes. It’s the first time ever!”
Sometimes God gives us a glimpse of how we've made a difference. I'm glad I stayed.
*Name has been changed.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
What's in a Name?
Have you
ever ridden a zip line?
I've been on a little one! We put one up at my church’s
VBS party. Thrill-seeking boys jumped on, but then looks of anxiety and even tears, prevailed. I felt I needed to get on and break the fear
factor. After all, if Miss Annie could
do it, they would know they could too!
I have never
liked heights or thrill rides, so inside, I was a mess! My stomach knotted up. Would I lose the hot
dog I just choked down? That would not comfort anyone! I couldn’t let tears show.
Just then, I
noticed a friend looking up at the zip line with inquisitive eyes; her husband
emphatically shaking his head. I never
suspected the church secretary would want to go on a zip line! I asked.
The next
thing I knew, Terry was climbing the pole beside me. My eyes darted, looking for a way of escape as
the harness was clipped in place. But I
could not let my friend down! And those
event workers were fast! Before I knew
it, we were flying and I felt something unexpected coming up out of my belly…
laughter! It was fun! After that, the words, “Again!” were heard
on the lips of every kid.
I have found
the same to be true with children’s outreach.
It’s an adventure that at first seems scary but ends up as a pile of
fun! In this blog, you will hear some real life adventures that caused me to cry out “Again!”
How about
you? Are you ready to join the
Remember, every adventure is way more fun with a friend!
Remember, every adventure is way more fun with a friend!
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