Friday, July 25, 2014

The Day the Sun Came Out

Sometimes in rainy Seattle, the sun comes out.  On a really clear day, we get a real treat.  Standing at over 14,000 feet, God’s handiwork, Mount Rainier towers above all the rest. It is spectacular! 

Towards the end of the school year, we took a day off from homework club (HW) because of NICE WEATHER!  We know not many kids will come to club. Most will be at the playground. 

The week after we cancelled, kids bombarded us with questions, “Why didn’t we have club?”

It seemed obvious to us but middle-schooler Kyle had come prepared. He had thought this out.  "I don't think you guys understand just how much homework club means to us… Everyone talks about how much we need homework club and how this community wouldn’t be the same without it...I don't exactly know what makes this place so special, but it's the one place that we can all come to be safe and accepted.  We all just feel happy here.  We leave feeling full of hope that the week will be better now that we've all been together… but 2 weeks feels impossible to get through when we are not having time with each other…This whole community is different when you guys are here.  Even other kids at school talk about this club."

Gulp.  Sometimes in ministry you wonder if you are making a difference.  And once in a while, God takes away the clouds and lets you see a glimpse of His handwork through you.  Like Mount Rainier, we don’t always see it.  But when He reveals it, it is spectacular! 
*Names of children always changed

Monday, July 21, 2014

Camp Fears

“I want to go really, really bad!  But I’m scared!” fourth-grader Tayla lamented. “No, I just can’t go!  I’ve never spent the night anywhere!  Not even at my dad’s.”  She vacillated, “I’m too scared but I really want to!”

I had invited several of our unchurched elementary homework club kids to an overnight church camp. Tayla and I prayed God would help her be brave.

The next week Tayla’s friend Patty came running, “Miss Annie, Miss Annie! You’ll never believe what happened!  Tayla said something I never thought I would EVER hear out of her mouth!”

Not knowing what would be coming next, I motioned the girls over to a quiet spot so the other kids wouldn’t hear.

Patty continued, “She said, ’Can I spend the night at your house?’” 

Tayla beamed and nodded, “I did it Miss Annie!  I’m going to camp!”

What a great idea!  Spend the night somewhere close first.  It seems like a no-brainer but I didn’t think of telling her to do that.  I love seeing God answer kids’ prayers! 

Tayla had the time of her life at that 2-night camp this winter, learning so much about Jesus, and next week, she is going to a week Christian summer camp.  Unafraid!

I can’t wait to find out what God does next in Tayla’s life.